How Musicians Can Cope Effectively with the COVID-19 Pandemic

Thanks to Dr. Don Greene for lending his time and expertise to our local. In this online presentation, Dr. Don Greene will cover topics including managing your resources, what to do with your extra time, staying connected, improving your skills, and pursuing new interests. In addition, he will touch on the emotional impact that individual musicians and the music community are experiencing. There will be time at the end for a short Q&A. You must RSVP here to participate! A Zoom link will be emailed to all participants on the day of the event.


Dr. Don Greene is a peak performance psychologist who trains performing artists to handle highly stressful circumstances. His background and experience make him uniquely qualified to offer counsel to musicians who may be struggling in these challenging times. Greene is a graduate of the US Military Academy (West Point). After being commissioned, he went through Airborne (paratrooper) and Ranger (survival) training, and was the first in his West Point class to join the Army’s Special Forces (Green Berets). He was later awarded the Army Commendation Medal for his service in the Special Forces. After resigning as a captain, he received his Masters and Ph.D. in sports psychology. His doctoral dissertation showed that the technique known as Centering improved the performance of SWAT officers under pressure. Dr. Greene was in charge of crisis intervention and disaster management for Merrill Lynch in New York City for several months after the 9/11 tragedy. He has been on the faculty at the Juilliard School, Colburn School, and New World Symphony. Dr. Greene has helped thousands of musicians win auditions. Please visit for more information. You can also follow him @winningonstage on Instagram and through the Overcoming Performance Anxiety 101 Forum on Facebook.