
Bylaw Amendment

Volume 117, No. 11November, 2017

The following bylaw amendment will be proposed and voted on at the Local 802 membership meeting on Feb. 7, 2018:

New language is underlined below:

Article III, Section 5, Paragraph (a): “…A further portion of the amount thus collected by the Union equivalent to one-quarter of one percent (0.25%) of all scale earnings on which work dues are collected by Local 802 shall be dedicated for use in Public Relations programs such as the Emerging Artists Project and any other similar program meant to increase the union’s membership and bargaining unit work available to the union’s membership. The amount of any grants awarded as part of the Program shall not exceed the actual amount of funding established by the Executive Board available for the Program at that time. The Union will notify its members of the status of the Program on an annual basis.

The Local 802 Executive Board has reported this resolution favorably.