
Currently Browsing: October, 2016

President's Report
Tino Gagliardi
It’s already shaping up to be a very busy season at Local 802. First, I’m happy to report that we have negotiated a successor agreement with Radio City Music Hall. It’s a three-year deal with increases in wages of 2

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  In the September issue of Allegro, we told members that our attorney Harvey Mars had recovered the historic Titanic musicians’ plaque, which is more than 100 years old and which Local 802 used to own before losing it during

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Christopher Carroll with David Newoff
Music and the arts are often the ultimate manifestation of a society’s values. Throughout history, the arts have stood the test of time, providing the thread that connects a community’s unique fabric of priorities while also addressing its challenges. It

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THE SPELLBINDING MUSIC OF AARON ROSAND I recently had the pleasure of hearing longtime Local 802 member and violinist Aaron Rosand perform for a packed hall at the Summit Music Festival at Manhattanville College in Purchase, NY. At the age

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Fifteen years after 9/11, musicians commemorate those who helped in the aftermath
Ralph Farris
Just across the street from the World Trade Center, St. Paul’s Chapel is known as “The Miracle Church” and “The Little Chapel That Stood.” Through the madness and terror and violence of that September morning 15 years ago, St. Paul’s

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Inside Broadway Summer Camp 2016
Bettina Covo
August – that sultry summer month saturated with dog days of sweltering heat. Vacations come to an end as the start of the school year looms large on the horizon. However, for 15 children who attended Inside Broadway’s Summer Stock

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Renata Marinaro
It’s open enrollment time for Obamacare plans. But what does this mean – and how can you sign up? The Affordable Care Act (otherwise known as Obamacare) has been in the news a lot recently, and with good reason: premiums

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Local 802 musicians, officers, staff and supporters marched in the annual labor parade sponsored by the Central Labor Council. This year’s band included (clockwise from left): Scott Bourgeois (tenor sax); Rick Faulkner (trombone); Kevin Blancq (bandleader and trumpet); Mary Cherney

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At 80, he's done it all and played with everyone. Now he shares what he's learned with the next generation...
Bob Pawlo
Not many musicians can say they’ve been a member of Local 802 for over 70 years, but trumpeter Al Stewart is proud to make that claim. At 89 years old, Al has been a union man since 1944. He lives

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Member to Member
Valerie Ghent
It’s hard to believe that 9/11 happened 15 years ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday, because out of that tragic time something beautiful was born. Fifteen years ago, I was riding my bike along the West Side

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FRED HELLERMAN Fred Hellerman, 89, a member of Local 802 for 63 years, died on Sept. 1. Mr. Hellerman was a folksinger, guitarist, producer and songwriter, and was the last surviving member of the Weavers, the group that helped spark

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Oscar Peñas
I joined Local 802 because it was time to be part of the union and also enjoy its many benefits as a member. My musical goal in New York is to keep growing and learning in this highly creative and

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H.I. Sharrieff
I joined Local 802 because I wanted to return to my NYC roots and emulate my heroes, like Milt Hinton, Bill Crow and Marcus Miller! I’ve served as a military musician, and here in NYC I would love to work

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Jeremy Danneman
I joined the union because it was required for a gig I was offered. My musical goal is to record and perform quality music and to reach interested listeners. I also want to be properly paid for my talents, time

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Bill Heigen
I joined Local 802 because I support the work of professional musicians and I see benefits in being part of the largest local union of professional musicians in the world. My musical goal in New York City is to become

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Bob Kelly
I joined Local 802 because I was working at the John W. Engeman Theatre at Northport with James Olmstead as the associate conductor on “A Chorus Line.” I moved to the city three years ago because of the NYU graduate

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David White
I rejoined the union after a lapse in membership. I had fallen on tough times and could no longer afford the quarterly fees. At that time, I started to wonder if I was still meant to be a bass player

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Matt SanGiovanni
I joined Local 802 in order to sub on Broadway shows and also to have access to the community of my fellow players. My primary goal in New York is to be a regular Broadway musician subbing and playing my

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Morana Mesic
I joined Local 802 because I have come to a point in my career where I’m not so youthfully self-centered anymore, and my focus has shifted to contemplating the kind of music community in which my colleagues and I work.

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Lauren Cauley
I joined Local 802 upon moving to New York. It’s been a great way to meet contractors and other freelancers. I love working with composers, playing chamber music and in small ensembles, and recording. My goal is to do as

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Arnie Tanimoto
I joined the union so that I could participate in more musical activities in New York. My goal is to become an active performer and teacher of early music in New York City. My most favorite recent gig was a

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Sarah Franklin
I joined Local 802 last year. I’m the principal second violin of New York Festival Orchestra, Astoria Symphony, Metro Chamber Orchestra, Astoria Symphony and Ensemble 212. I also serve as section violin of Distinguished Concerts International New York, Spectrum Symphony

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Kyle Wilbert
I transferred to Local 802 from AFM Local 105 (Spokane, Washington), where I served as principal horn of the Spokane Symphony Orchestra. I’m proud to be a member of our union. The union not only brings us together as a

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May 17, 2016 -- June 7, 2016
TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2016 Meeting called to order at 11:07 a.m. by Financial Vice President Olcott. Present: Recording Vice President Schwartz, Executive Board members Cranshaw, Dougherty, Hyde, Sharman, Suttmann, Assistant to the President Bond. President Gagliardi absent. Minutes from May

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Local 802 Member Larry Abel brought charges against Bill Brohn, Sam Davis, Doug Houston, Anne Kaye, David Loud, Paul Masse, Neil Reilly: violation of Article 4 Section 1, “It shall be a violation and detrimental to the welfare of this

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The Band Room
Bill Crow
I met Derek Smith when he first moved from London to New York City. Before there were Playboy clubs, there was an outfit called the Cliff Dwellers that ran open parties for young singles in a location on 5th Avenue

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