
Currently Browsing: November, 2001

The World Trade Center disaster had a drastic impact on the livelihoods of many New York musicians. Cutbacks in the hotel field and the threat of widespread closings on Broadway are described in other articles in this issue. Many of

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Since this article was written, Local 802 has learned that the Nederlander’s production of Reefer Madness is closing on Sunday, October 28. The Organizing Department thanks everyone who joined the union’s rallies and everyone who called the Nederlanders to protest

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Bill Dennison
Broadway appears to be back. The theatre lights that dimmed after the World Trade Center attack have brightened and, despite continued uncertainty in regard to the economy and air travel, and the general unease created by the declared war against

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Recovering From The World Trade Center Disaster
Almost 100 musicians (both instrumentalists and singers) lined up to play in the orchestra and choir, conducted by Johannes Somary, for the Prayers for America Service at Yankee Stadium on Sept. 23. The contractors, both 802 members, were Oliver Gras,

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Recovering From The World Trade Center Disaster
NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC The New York Philharmonic turned its Sept. 20 opening gala into a benefit, presenting a performance of the Brahms German Requiem that reviewer Anthony Tommasini described as inspired. The performance was televised nationwide. “The orchestra members donated

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How 802 Has Contributed to New York’s Efforts to Recover
Bill Moriarity
On Sept. 11 and 12, the Board of Trustees of the American Federation of Musicians and Employers’ Pension Fund had scheduled one of its three annual meetings, this one at the Fund offices at One Penn Plaza at 34th and

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Following is the text of Local 802’s Sept. 26 letter to Harriet Slaughter, Director of Labor Relations at the League of American Theatres & Producers, Inc., on the issue of unauthorized concessions: Dear Harriet: In the course of the last

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Guest Commentary
Rep. John Conyers, Jr.
The following commentary by Rep. John Conyers, a Democrat from Michigan and ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, appeared in The Washington Post on Sept. 19. Since it was written, committees in both the House and Senate have modified

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Member to Member
Trudy Silver
In a city where soaring rents too often necessitate crass commercialism to pay the bills, 5C on Avenue C in the far East Village (Losaida) is in the vanguard of alternative storefronts, offering the discriminating New York consumer an oasis

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LETTER OF SUPPORT FOR 5C CULTURAL CENTER We the undersigned believe that the “strings only” injunction in effect since 1995 at the 5C Cultural Center should be lifted. The injunction unjustly prohibits using other instruments such as saxophones and drums

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Leonard Leibowitz
802 members may recall that, in the early 1980s, ICSOM sponsored a lawsuit on behalf of a number of Metropolitan Opera Orchestra musicians whose income tax deduction for practice space in their home had been denied by the IRS (Drucker

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Restaurant workers and service employees were among the workers hit hardest by the WTC disaster. The unions representing both groups have established relief funds. Here is some information about the situation these workers and their families face, and how you

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Over the last several weeks, Local 802 has received messages of support from other AFM locals and unions. Among those were the following: Ray Hair, President, AFM Local 72-147, Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas In behalf of the officers and members of

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Musicians' Assistance Program
Jackelyn Frost, CSW
Although New Yorkers are striving to regain a sense of normalcy, the World Trade Center attack has created a deep sense of fear and has threatened people’s most basic sense of security. Such violent, random, unprovoked and intentional actions are

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PRAISE FOR 802 REPRESENTATION To the Editor: As we all are united in tragedy, I am writing to share some good news. Many readers of Allegro are undoubtedly aware that Local 802 has in its employ a number of dedicated,

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Heather Beaudoin

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DANCE THEATRE OF HARLEM Musicians of the Dance Theatre of Harlem Orchestra unanimously ratified a new contract as they prepared for the 2001 New York Season at City Center. All wages and benefits have been increased to Local 802 Freelance

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Did You Know??
Providers may join or drop out of the MagnaCare network at any time. Always check before making an appointment to see if your provider is participating. Also, some participating doctors may refer you to labs, diagnostic facilities or other doctors

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Manny Albam – Composer/Arranger Stephen Benyak – Guitar George Brackman – Conductor/Arranger Derek J. Carroll – Bass Jack Conner – Percussion Joseph J. Connolly – Saxophone Mara S. Dvonch – Violin George Fauntleroy – Saxophone Domenico Guadagno – Bass Connie

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August 28, 2001 -- September 20, 2001
TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2001 Meeting called to order at 11:30 a.m. Present: President Moriarity, Recording Vice-President Price, Executive Board members Crow, Gale, Giannini, Reynolds, Rohdin, Shankin and Weiss, Controller Bogert, Assistant Director Lennon, Jazz Advisory Committee Liaison Owens. Financial Vice-President

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Bill Crow
While chatting on the phone with Bill Finegan recently I mentioned Jim and Andy’s bar, the musicians’ hangout that used to share the block on West 48th Street with several music stores and the old A&R recording studio. Bill asked,

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