
Executive Board Minutes

Sept. 28, 2021 to Oct. 19, 2021

Volume 121, No. 10November, 2021

Tuesday September 28, 2021

Meeting called to order at 11:03 am by President Krauthamer via video conference necessitated by the need for social distancing relating to the COVID-19 pandemic. Present: Financial Vice President Fisher, Recording Vice President Schwartz, Executive Board members Axelrod, Cohen, Davis, Donovan Frawley, Hoyt, Kainuma, Paisner, Shankin.

Minutes of September 21, 2021 reviewed.

It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes of September 21, 2021 as corrected.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

President Krauthamer reported on matters of health and safety at Broadway shows.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported on the status of plans for a 401(k) to be offered to the membership.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported on the status of negotiations for a successor collective bargaining agreement between Local 802 and Organization of Union Representatives.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported that Roundabout Theatre will make retroactive health contribution payments for the members performing in the production of Caroline, or Change.

Discussion held.

Executive Board member Axelrod discussed matters pertaining to the re-opening of Broadway theatres.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer presented a memorandum of agreement (MOA) between Local 802 and Metropolitan Opera covering its Music Staff.

It was moved and seconded to approve the MOA covering the Music Staff for ratification by the bargaining unit.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Krauthamer presented a staff job description.

Discussion held.

Board recessed at 1:01. Krauthamer and Executive Board members Hoyt and Donovan excused.

Board reconvened at 1:17. Financial Vice President Fisher assumed the chair.

Local 802 counsel Mars and Senior Business Rep Friedman present.

Recording Vice President Schwartz, Mars and Friedman presented a memorandum of agreement (MOA) between Local 802 and Big Top Works LLC d/b/a Big Apple Circus (BAC).

It was moved and seconded to approve the MOA with BAC as presented for ratification by the bargaining unit.

Discussion held.

Motion carried, Executive Board member Paisner opposed due to the lack of a health contribution increase.

Schwartz reported on the ratification by the bargaining unit of the successor collective bargaining agreement between Local 802 and Patriot Brass Ensemble.

Discussion held.

Schwartz reported on the appointment of an impartial arbitrator by the American Arbitration Association to oversee the 2021 election of local officers and delegates.

Schwartz informed the board of the October 15, 2021 deadline for the submission of completed nominating petitions.

Discussion held.

Fisher reported on a memorandum of agreement (MOA) between Local 802 and Bronx Arts Ensemble (BAE).

It was moved and seconded to approve the MOA with BAE for ratification by the bargaining unit.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Fisher reported on the Directors and Officers insurance policy as required for the local.

Discussion held.

Fisher announced a Classical Musicians Forum scheduled for tomorrow, September 29, 2021.

Discussion held.

Executive Board members Axelrod and Frawley excused at 2:23.

Discussion held.

Meeting adjourned at 2:25 pm.

Tuesday October 5, 2021

Meeting called to order at 11:06 am by President Krauthamer via video conference necessitated by the need for social distancing relating to the COVID-19 pandemic. Present: Recording Vice President Schwartz, Executive Board members Cohen, Davis, Frawley, Kainuma, Paisner, Shankin.

Minutes of September 28, 2021 reviewed.

It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes of September 28, 2021 as submitted.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Executive Board member Cohen reported on the plans for the Local 802 Centennial Celebration on October 12, 2021.

Discussion held.

Recording Vice President Schwartz reported on his meeting with Boulevard Carroll Entertainment Inc. and stage manager Rebecca Monroe to review sound system requirements for the Centennial Celebration.

Discussion held.

Schwartz reported on the successful ratification of the agreement between Local 802 and Big Top LLC d/b/a Big Apple Circus.

Discussion held.

Schwartz reported on the meeting between Local 802 and The New School to discuss the ā€œsnap-backā€ terms for the agreement covering the Part-time Jazz Faculty.

Discussion held.

Schwartz reported on the status of negotiations between Local 802 and Plaza Theatre of Elmont, NY.

Discussion held.

President Krauthamer reported that the Music Staff had ratified the agreement between Local 802 and Metropolitan Opera.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported that the October 28, 2021 membership meeting would be held online.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported on organizing training scheduled for October.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported on the successful start of the financial aid program for members.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported that a report will be generated on the status of the union hallā€™s HVAC system.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported that he had met with the Local 802 Theatre Committeeā€™s health and safety subcommittee.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported that the Theatre Committee will meet tomorrow.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported that a negotiating session with New York City Ballet had been canceled.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported that staff member Chris Reza has accepted a new position as Manager of Operations at Local 802.

Discussion held.

Executive Board member Axelrod present at 11:50 am.

Krauthamer presented the terms of the successor Commercial Off Broadway Area Standards Agreement (COBAS) that runs through 2024 with increases to wages and benefits.

It was moved and seconded to approve the promulgated COBAS Agreement as submitted.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 12:15 pm.

The Executive Board did not meet on Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2021 due to the Local 802 centennial celebration.

Tuesday October 19, 2021

Meeting called to order at 11:11 am by President Krauthamer via video conference necessitated by the need for social distancing relating to the COVID-19 pandemic. Present: Financial Vice President Fisher, Recording Vice President Schwartz, Executive Board members Axelrod, Cohen, Donovan, Frawley, Hoyt, Kainuma, Paisner, Shankin.

Minutes of October 5, 2021 reviewed.

It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes of October 5, 2021 as submitted.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Members Dean LeBlanc and Joanna Maurer present.

LeBlanc and Maurer presented a contract summary of the memorandum of agreement (MOA) between Local 802 and Metropolitan Opera covering the Met Associates.

Discussion held.

LeBlanc and Maurer excused.

It was moved and seconded to approve the MOA with Metropolitan Opera for ratification by the bargaining unit.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Executive Board member Paisner raised serious concerns about caps on health fund contributions and the negative implications the caps have on the long-term solvency of the fund.

Discussion held.

President Krauthamer presented an invoice in the amount of $30,337.50 from Spivak Lipton LLP pertaining to the negotiations between Local 802 and Metropolitan Opera per the terms of the Member Legal Services bylaw.

It was moved and seconded to approve for payment the invoice from Spivak Lipton as submitted.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Board recessed at 12:35.

Board reconvened at 12:56.

Krauthamer requested that the board confirm the results of an email poll in which it approved payment of $4,900 to Vivace Consulting pertaining to its services for the Local 802 Membership Survey.

It was moved and seconded to confirm the results of the email poll.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Krauthamer presented an invoice in the amount of $4,572.75 from LD Mechanical Corp. for its services pertaining to the HVAC system in the union hall.

It was moved and seconded to approve for payment the invoice from LD Mechanical Corp. as submitted.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Financial Vice President Fisher reported that a grievance has been filed against New Jersey Festival Orchestra.

Discussion held.

Fisher reported on the startup of new member orientations.

Discussion held.

Recording Vice President Schwartz reported on the procedures for the election of officers and delegates scheduled on December 3, 2021.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported that he will meet with Lincoln Center Theatre on matters of health and safety for its production of Flying Over Sunset.

Discussion held.

Senior Business Rep Friedman present.

Friedman presented an Incidental Music Agreement for the City Center production of Morning Sun.

Friedman excused.

It was moved and seconded to approve the Incidental Music Agreement with City Center as submitted.

Discussion held.

Motion carried unanimously.

Schwartz reported on matters pertaining to negotiations for a collective bargaining agreement between Local 802 and Plaza Theatre of Elmont, NY.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported on matters pertaining to health and safety for the Radio City Christmas Spectacular.

Discussion held.

Executive Board member Frawley excused at 1:45.

Krauthamer reported on matters pertaining to negotiations for a successor collective bargaining agreement between Local 802 and New York City Ballet.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported on plans for a membership meeting on October 28, 2021.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported on the status of negotiations for a successor collective bargaining agreement between Local 802 and Organization of Union Representatives.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported on matters pertaining to the work of the IT Department.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer presented a report from B&L Testing and Balancing on air flow in the union hall.

Discussion held.

Krauthamer reported on new staffing at Local 802.

Discussion held.

Paisner reported on matters pertaining to salaries for members of the Executive Board.

Discussion held.

Meeting adjourned at 2:30 pm.