
Executive Board Minutes

December 12, 2006 -- January 2, 2007

Volume CVII, No. 2February, 2007


Meeting called to order at 11:05 a.m. Present: President Lennon, Recording Vice President Dennison, Financial Vice President Blumenthal, Executive Board members Gagliardi, Gale, Giannini, Landolfi, Schwartz, Shankin, Weiss and Assistant to the President Rohdin.

Recording Vice President Dennison distributed the minutes of November 21, 2006.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the minutes as amended.

Jazz Advisory Committee Liaison Owens present at 11:10 p.m.

President Lennon reported on transition efforts being undertaken with President-elect Landolfi to facilitate the incoming administration.

Financial Vice President Blumenthal presented an agreement with the Orchestra of Our Time, Inc.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the agreement.

Blumenthal presented an agreement with the S.E.M. Ensemble.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the agreement.

Board member Schaffner present at 11:20 a.m.

Blumenthal presented an invoice in the amount of $480 from Legal Counsel Shechtman for representation of Local 802 during the month of November 2006 in the matter of the misuse of the union credit card by former President Lennon.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve payment of the invoice.

Blumenthal reported on a request from Vancouver Local 145 AFM regarding use of Local 802’s public service scale for a performance of a band during the 2007 International Association for Jazz Education conference.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the request with the proviso that scale includes all applicable benefit payments.

Blumenthal distributed a report from Computer Consultant Cronin and MIS Director Ibrahim regarding the status of work on the upgrade of the Local 802 proprietary software system.

Dennison requested purchase of a half page ad for the Local 802 Job Referral service in the Spring/Summer issue of Manhattan Bride at a cost of $1,950 with the funds to come from the public relations budget.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the request.

Dennison distributed the final results of the 2006 officers’ election.

Members Bruce Bonvissuto and Robert Haley appeared before the Board and presented a petition requesting that the union headquarters building be named The John C. Gale Building.

Gale recused.

Discussion held

Bonvissuto and Haley excused.

Discussion held.

Meeting recessed at 12:55 p.m.

Meeting resumed at 2:05. Present: Lennon, Blumenthal, Dennison, Gagliardi, Gale, Giannini, Schaffner, Schwartz, Shankin, Weiss, Rohdin and Owens.

Board member Gale expressed appreciation for the sentiment expressed in the petition requesting that the union headquarters building be named The John C. Gale Building, however, he asked that the petition request be withdrawn from consideration.

Controller Goldman appeared before the Board to discuss the status of the union’s General Fund.

Principal Recording Representative Sheldon and Fred Caruso and Seth Greenleaf, representatives of the producer and general management of the Off Broadway show “I Love You Because,” appeared before the Board and Sheldon presented a grievance regarding the non-payment of salaries and benefits owed to the show’s orchestrators and copyists.

Caruso and Greenleaf excused.

Discussion held.

Shankin excused at 2:50 p.m.

Caruso and Greenleaf present.

Schaffner presented the Board’s ruling on the grievance, which would permit a reduction in applicable late penalties to 5 percent of the total wage payments due provided that 50 percent of the outstanding wage and benefit payments are made by Feb 15, 2007 and the balance is paid by March 31, 2007. Any late penalties due the benefits funds were not waived or reduced.

Caruso and Greenleaf excused.

Discussion held.

Sheldon excused.

Jazz Representative Hayes appeared before the Board and presented an agreement with Seven Strings Limited.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the agreement.

Controller Goldman appeared before the Board to resume a discussion of the union’s finances.

Goldman distributed the October and November vouchers, membership figures for 2005 and 2006, the October 2006 financials and the January through October 2006 financials.

Discussion held.

Goldman presented a capital budget for computer hardware and software in the amount of $35,000.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the $35,000 capital expenditure.

Meeting adjourned at 3:55 p.m.


Meeting called to order at 11:10 a.m. Present: President Landolfi, Recording Vice President Dennison, Financial Vice President Blumenthal, Executive Board members Burridge, Fein, Giannini, Hunt, Johansen, Rizzo, Roach, Schaffner and Schwartz.

Recording Vice President Dennison distributed the minutes of December 12, 2006.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the minutes as amended.

President Landolfi reported on meetings with former President Lennon regarding the transition to the new administration and the status of various issues and grievances that remain unresolved.

Landolfi requested that a prior hiring freeze be lifted so that key staff positions could be filled including the combined position of Assistant to the President and Organizing Director, a part time Music Preparation Supervisor, a Political Action/Public Relations Director and a Recording Department Representative/Organizer.

Motion made and carried unanimously to unfreeze the requested positions.

Landolfi requested that the Executive Board appoint a committee of its members to review officer expense reports as per a policy adopted by the prior Board.

Motion made and carried unanimously to re-appoint Jimmy Owens as the Jazz Advisory Committee Liaison to the Executive Board.

Motion made and carried unanimously to appoint Roger Blanc to fill the position on the Trial Board vacant due to the death of Pedro Rodriquez.

Landolfi appointed a committee consisting of Board Members Johansen, Hunt, Fein and Schwartz to explore and report back to the Board on a recommendation regarding an appropriate way to honor former long serving officers.

Financial Vice President Blumenthal presented an agreement with the American Classical Orchestra.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the agreement subject to ratification by the bargaining unit.

Blumenthal requested that the Board affirm a phone poll approving the expenditure of $20,800.14 from the 2006 budget for new carpeting on the 2nd floor of the Local 802 headquarters building.

Motion made and carried unanimously to affirm the poll.

Dennison requested payment of Local 802’s annual dues to the Coalition of Broadway Unions and Guilds in the amount of $200.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the payment.

Dennison reported on a request from former Board member Tino Gagliardi that he be allowed to make a copy of a CD ROM containing pdf files of all the ballots cast in the 2006 officer’s election. The CD-ROM had been turned over to Local 802 by the American Arbitration Association, which had conducted the officers’ election.

Discussion held.

Motion made and seconded to allow any candidate who ran for office to make a copy of the CD ROM.

Substitute motion made and passed that the CD-ROM remain in the possession of Local 802 and that it be made available as a read only file for any member to view during regular business hours of the union, and further that no copies of the CD-ROM shall be made. Opposed: Burridge, Rizzo, Schwartz.

Landolfi reported on discussions with representatives from 3 major law firms regarding their possible retention as counsel to Local 802.

Discussion held.

Meeting recessed at 1:00 p.m. for the swearing in of new officers by AFM President Tom Lee.

Meeting resumed at 2:30 p.m. Present Landolfi, Blumenthal, Dennison, Burridge, Fein, Giannini, Hunt, Johansen, Rizzo, Roach, Schaffner and Schwartz.

Discussion on legal counsel continued.

Controller Goldman appeared before the board to present the November 2006 financials, the January through November 2006 financials and a comparison of the 2006 and 2007 annual budgets.

Goldman excused.

Education Representative Freidman appeared before the Board and presented an agreement with the Metropolitan Opera Guild.

Motion made and carried unanimously to approve the agreement.

Motion made and seconded to affirm a phone poll of the prior Board allowing any candidate who ran in the December 5, 2006 Local 802 election the right to make a copy of the CD ROM containing pdf files of all the ballots cast in the 2006 officer’s election. Opposed: Blumenthal, Dennison, Fein, Giannini Hunt, Johansen, Rizzo, Roach and Schaffner. Motion fails.

Meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m.