
Health and safety update for classical musicians

We want to hear your voice!

Volume 121, No. 3March, 2021

Karen Fisher

With warmer months approaching and COVID-19 mortality rates declining, orchestras are tentatively beginning to go back to work. While this is great news, we still must remember to remain vigilant and continue to maintain strict health and safety protocols until state and local authorities inform us otherwise.

Local 802 has recently updated our health and safety protocols. They are being distributed to every employer currently presenting live engagements. We are asking all employers to utilize the document, which was created with the assistance of leading experts, to create their own protocols based on our data and tailored to their situation. These protocols are mandatory subjects of bargaining and must be approved by the union and by each orchestra committee before any in person gathering of musicians.

To discuss this further, there will be an important Classical Musicians Forum on March 24 at 2pm. We will also discuss the future of the field, upcoming negotiations, and exchange shutdown survival tips.

All freelance orchestra musicians are welcome. As orchestra committees will play a big role in determining and approving health and safety protocols, orchestra committee members are especially urged to attend.

Please RSVP to me at:

Here is the Zoom information:

Local 802 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Classical Musicians Forum

Time: Mar 24, 2021 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Passcode: 457737

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