
Is Your Information Correct?

Membership Alert

Volume CV, No. 9September, 2005

The 2006-2007 Local 802 directory will be published at the end of this year. Thousands of musicians receive a copy of this book and use it as a valuable resource. Here’s how to check if we have your correct information:

  1. You must be a current member of Local 802 and know your union card number.
  2. Log into this site as a member (if you’ve done so before, use the left side of the screen. If you’re new, use the right side of the screen.
  3. On the left side of the screen, click on the label in red called “Search Directory.”
  4. Using the prompts on this screen, search for your own entry. (You can search by instrument, first name, last name, city, state, zip or country. It doesn’t matter how you search, but find your own name.)
  5. You should see your name highlighted in red if you scroll down to the bottom of the screen. Click on your name. Your information should be displayed. This is the exact information that will be published in the next directory.
  6. The information in Local 802’s database for you is: your name; one primary instrument; up to seven secondary instruments; address; home phone; business phone; e-mail; fax; pager; cell phone; and whether you are a conductor, arranger or copyist.
  7. If any of the information is missing, it means we don’t have it! However, it’s O.K. if some of the information is blank. For instance, if you only play one instrument, you won’t see any secondary instruments listed. Or, if you don’t own a pager or fax, you won’t see these fields filled in.
  8. How you see your information on the screen is how it will be printed in the membership directory. If the information on the screen is incorrect, incomplete or you need to update it, send an e-mail to Please include your union card number whenever you e-mail us. We must receive your e-mail by Nov. 15 in order to print the correct information in the membership directory. (Also, please allow one week for changes to become active on the Web site.)
  9. Remember, how you see your name on the screen is how it will be printed in the directory. If you would like to use a nickname or professional name, please include that information in your e-mail to Use the screen as your guide. Whatever you see on the screen is what will be printed in the directory.
  10. If you are not a musician, you may list “music services” as your instrument. Music services refer to activities such as music journalism or music law.

If you don’t have e-mail or if you have any problems that you wish to resolve by phone, please call the Membership Department at (212) 245-4802.


Your union dues must be current for your name to appear in the directory.