
Members to vote on political contributions

Volume 112, No. 5May, 2012

There will be four recommendations that will come before the June 13 membership meeting dealing with political contributions of more than $500, as is required in the Local 802 bylaws. The money would come from the union’s TEMPO fund.

TEMPO is a Political Action Committee formed under the federal and state laws to make political contributions to candidates from a fund that solicits donations exclusively for that purpose. No Local 802 funds are used for TEMPO, nor are such transfers from Local 802 to TEMPO permitted under the law. In other words, no union dues monies are used to contribute to political candidates.

The Executive Board feels that TEMPO funds are best spent with the strategic goals of the union in mind. For this reason the Executive Board is proposing that a donation of $2,500 be made from the TEMPO fund to each of three mayoral candidates: Bill de Blasio, Christine Quinn and Scott Stringer. In addition the Executive Board is recommending that a donation from the TEMPO fund be given to the American Federation of Musicians’ own TEMPO fund in the amount of $3,000, to further the federal legislative goals of the Federation.

It is for this reason that we especially encourage those members of Local 802 who have contributed to TEMPO to attend the June 13 to make their voices known.

Under Local 802 bylaws, approval of the membership at a membership meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members present is required to approve of any expenditure of more than $500. If the request for more than $500 is announced in Allegro and a quorum is not present at the membership meeting, the Executive Board is empowered to decide whether or not to make the contribution.

Members are encouraged to be present at the June 13 to vote on the above recommendations. There will be a presentation as to the strategic rationale for making these donations.