
‘Why we joined the union’

Volume 119, No. 6June, 2019

Arthur Kents

After years of only dreaming about living my dream, I found myself in the position to commit 100 percent to music. To be the consummate performer and professional. And I could think of no better place to start than Local 802, which for years I thought was beyond my reach. My musical goals in New York City are to play as a Broadway musician and to open a music school. Teaching is at the core of what I do and who I am. Recently a fellow church member released her CD and I was tapped to do the music video and her documentary. It was fascinating work and helped build my video production and sound engineering resume. As a child, growing up on my block, there was only one other boy I could hang out with, as I didn’t want to jump double dutch with the girls! But every day, his mother would call him in to practice piano for a couple of hours, leaving me with no one to play with. That was where my hatred for the piano began. Then, at school, my guidance counselor called me to her office and told me I needed a year of “hands-on experience” if I wanted to graduate on time. She was wrong. I was an accounting and computer science major, which by their nature is hands-on. I was hands-on my entire high school career. Nevertheless she said if I didn’t take a year of piano, I would not graduate on time. I couldn’t believe it. She was wrong. But it worked out because I fell in love with the instrument, and with music. Music is important to me because it elicits such a strong passion to be expressive. And if I can convey that passion and reach the essence of the listener’s soul, it may just put that person in a better place. At the moment I’m more involved on the production end of music, but I’ve joined the church band, and I’m looking forward to playing with such high-caliber musicians. My principal instrument is piano, but I’m learning guitar.
Arthur Kents