
‘Why we joined the union’

Volume 118, No. 1January, 2018

I joined Local 802 because I felt it was finally time. My father, Mike Christianson, has been a member of the union for as long as I can remember, and it’s something I’ve thought about for my whole life. My musical goal in New York City is to be a successful freelance musician. I’ve always enjoyed playing in pit orchestras for musicals and I aim to play on Broadway. My principal instrument is trumpet, and my most favorite recent gig was playing with the New Jersey Festival Orchestra at a senior living center in Somerset, New Jersey. I got the gig from my teacher, Don Batchelder, who has been a union member for many years and serves as the principal trumpet of the NYC Opera. Music is especially important to me because of the power it has to create feelings, sensations and emotions one can’t obtain in other areas of life.