
‘Why we joined the union’

Volume 117, No. 8September, 2017

Stephanie Hollander

I joined Local 802 once I began freelancing in the metro area. After studying with top horn players from the Metropolitan Opera and Philadelphia Orchestra, my teachers told me about the benefits of joining the union. I would really enjoy playing horn with opera and theatre companies as well as getting involved with local orchestras. I am on the sub list of the Albany Symphony and the Hudson Valley Philharmonic and currently perform second horn in the Northern Dutchess Symphony Orchestra. I’ve been working on a commission entitled “Ladino Call,” which is an educational and performance project for horn that utilizes the musical traditions of Cuban and Ladino music. I love playing music of all cultures and genres. The passion I have for performing is equally as strong for my passion for teaching. I hope to get involved in educational outreach programs throughout the city and also in South America. Music brings me together with people from all over the world.