
802 Web Page Adds New Links to Member & Signatory Web Sites

Volume CII, No. 4April, 2002

From Michael Aarons to Jimmy Young.

That’s the range of 802 members whose personal web sites were linked to the local’s web page as this article was written: 127 of them. And Joe Rodriguez, the staff member who maintains the site, reports that the number is increasing each week.

Rodriguez sent out an email “blast” in February to the 2,000-plus members whose email addresses are included in the 802 data base, inviting them to submit links to their pages. He got an immediate response from about 90 people, illustrating what a powerful vehicle email can be for contacting our members. (Unfortunately, he also received about 250 bounced messages – illustrating the importance of keeping your directory information up to date.)

Rodriguez’ message pointed out that including links to members’ pages would help make visitors to the 802 web site aware of the tremendous range of talents union members bring to New York’s music scene. That was no exaggeration: the list is impressive, and so are a great many of the individual sites. We invite you to check them out.

While most members submitted information about their personal, music-related sites, Rodriguez got several requests to include other types of links. Some members asked for links to web sites promoting non-music services and enterprises that they are involved in, that they would like to make fellow members aware of. Another request was for a link to an orchestra one of our members plays in. That sparked the idea of developing a section of links to 802 signatory employers, to make visitors to the site aware that our members are part of the most important cultural and entertainment institutions in New York, and perform in a wide variety of genres. That section is now being developed, as well as one with links to members’ non-music endeavors.

If you haven’t responded yet to the invitation to link your site to the 802 web page, please send your name, member number, web site address and a 40-word (or less) description of your site to

If you’ve never submitted your email address to the 802 data base, do it now – you can do it on line by logging in to the “members only” section. And if your email address has changed, please take the time now to update it, using the same procedure.