Executive Board Minutes
Volume 118, No. 6June, 2018
Meeting called to order at 11:03 a.m. by President Gagliardi. Present: Financial Vice President Olcott, Recording Vice President Schwartz, Executive Board members Burridge, Dougherty, Garnett, Hyde, Namkung, Sharman, Chief of Staff Carroll. Executive Board member Hyde reported on the AFM-EPF Q&A Webinar held on January 29, 2018. Discussion held. Minutes from January 23, 2018 reviewed. It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes from January 23, 2018 as corrected. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
President Gagliardi reported on matters pertaining to an out-of-town performance by the cast and orchestra of a Broadway show. Discussion held. Chief of Staff Carroll presented a briefing on the candidacy of Michael Corbett for New York State Assembly from the 74th District. Discussion held. Michael Corbett present. Corbett reported on his candidacy and sought the endorsement of Local 802. Corbett excused. Discussion held.
Gagliardi reported on negotiations between Local 802 and New York Philharmonic. Discussion held. Gagliardi reported on negotiations between Local 802 and New York City Ballet. Discussion held. Gagliardi reported on his meeting with American Guild of Musical Artists regarding negotiations with Metropolitan Opera. Discussion held.
Gagliardi reported on matters pertaining to staffing for the Local 802 Information Technology Department. Discussion held. Financial Vice President Olcott reported on matters pertaining to Westchester Philharmonic. Discussion held. Olcott reported on matters pertaining to New Jersey Festival Orchestra. Discussion held.
Recording Vice President Schwartz presented an invoice from Winter Jazzfest in the amount of $900 for a full-page advertisement in the festival program. It was moved and seconded to approve for payment the invoice from Winter Jazzfest, funding to come from the public relations budget. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
Schwartz reported on his attendance at two Pre-Grammy Awards receptions on January 27, 2018 and at the 60th Annual Grammy Awards telecast at Madison Square Garden on January 28, 2018. Discussion held. Schwartz reported on upcoming New York University (NYU) musical theatre productions and the continued placement of NYU on the AFM International Unfair List. Discussion held. Schwartz present requests from three members for leaves of absence from Broadway shows. It was moved and seconded to approve the leaves of absence as submitted. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
Schwartz presented a request for a donation from New York City Labor Chorus (NYCLC). It was moved and seconded to purchase a quarter-page advertisement in the NYCLC Commemorative Journal in the amount of $250, funding to come from the public relations budget. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
Member Akua Dixon present. Dixon proposed that Local 802 restart the Ethnic Minorities Committee. Discussion held. Dixon excused. Member Sandra Billingslea present. Billingslea reported on her professional experience and discussed her interest in filling a vacant seat on the executive board. Discussion held. Billingslea excused.
Executive Board member Sharman requested the funding of membership dues in the amount of $3,200 for the participation of two Local 802 teams in the 2018 Performing Arts Softball League. It was moved and seconded to approve for payment the membership dues for two Local 802 teams in the 2018 Performing Arts Softball League as proposed, funding to come from the public relations budget. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 1:38 p.m.
Meeting called to order at 11:10 a.m. by President Gagliardi. Present: Recording Vice President Schwartz, Executive Board members Burridge, Cutler, Dougherty, Garnett, Hyde, Namkung, Sharman, Chief of Staff Carroll. Minutes from January 30, 2018 reviewed. It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes from January 30, 2018 as submitted. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously. President Gagliardi reported on matters pertaining to a non-legitimate theatrical attraction. Discussion held. Theatre Department Principal Business Rep Couture present. Gagliardi reported on a request for a special situation on Broadway. Discussion held.
Couture presented an agreement between Local 802 and Vivian Beaumont Theatre Inc. DBA Lincoln Center Theatre for a production of âMy Fair Lady.â It was moved and seconded to approve the agreement as submitted. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously. Couture excused.
Chief of Staff Carroll reported on the candidacy of Harvey Epstein for New York State Assembly from District 74. Discussion held. Harvey Epstein present. Epstein reported on his candidacy and sought the endorsement of Local 802. Epstein excused. Board recessed at 12:14. Board reconvened at 12:17. It was moved and seconded to endorse Harvey Epstein for NYS Assembly. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously. Carroll excused.
Executive Board member Garnett reported on the January 18, 2018 meeting of the Jazz Committee and discussed proposals from the committee for the development of a mobile app and a youth membership. Discussion held. Garnett announced plans for a Jazz Mentors student jam session, tentatively scheduled for March 13, 2018. Discussion held. Gagliardi excused 12:29. Recording Vice President Schwartz assumed the chair. Gagliardi present at 12:31 and assumed the chair. Recording Musicians Association (RMA) Los Angeles Chapter President Steve Dress present. Dress reported on his activities on behalf of the RMA. Discussion held. Dress excused.
Garnett reported on the Jazz Committeeâs meeting with member Roxanne Coss and discussed her advocacy group, Women in Jazz Organization. Discussion held. Gagliardi reported on his attendance at the conference of Sphinx Organization in Detroit, MI, February 1-4, 2018. Discussion held. Garnett excused at 1:05.
Controller Camiolo present. Camiolo presented the financial report for November 2017. Discussion held. Schwartz reported on the status of fundraising for Local 802 Musiciansâ Emergency Relief Fund and announced the renewal of the agreement with Fundraising Coordinator Bettina Covo. Discussion held. Camiolo excused.
Schwartz presented a proposal from Divergent HVAC Solutions LLC for the repair of the basement HVAC compressor in the unionâs hall. Discussion held.
Schwartz reported on the status of Lincoln Centerâs American Songbook series and matters pertaining to employer compliance. Discussion held. Schwartz reported on the status of the AFM Unfair List and Local 802 Do Not Work order as pertains to musical theatre productions at New York University. Discussion held.
Gagliardi requested approval of an expense of $121.44 for a luncheon given by Local 802 for union members attending the Sphinx Organization conference. It was moved and seconded to approve the luncheon expense. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
Schwartz reported on a matter pertaining to a member in arrears of work dues owed to Local 802. Discussion held. Schwartz presented requests from two members for leaves of absence from Broadway shows. It was moved and seconded to approve the leaves of absence as submitted. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
Couture present. Couture presented a proposal from a member for a chamber music forum. Discussion held. Couture excused.
The Executive Board scheduled a membership meeting for June 6, 2018. Gagliardi reported on matters pertaining to the vacancy on the Executive Board. Discussion held. Meeting adjourned at 2:04 p.m.
Meeting called to order at 11:42 a.m. by President Gagliardi. Present: Financial Vice President Olcott, Recording Vice President Schwartz, Executive Board members Burridge, Dougherty, Garnett, Hyde, Sharman, Chief of Staff Carroll. President Gagliardi requested that, without objection, minutes from February 6, 2018 be tabled. No objection heard, minutes tabled.
Gagliardi nominated member Christopher Olness to fill a vacancy on the Executive Board. It was moved and seconded to appoint Christopher Olness to the Executive Board. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
Gagliardi presented a request from the chair of the Negotiating Committee of New York Philharmonic Orchestra for the Executive Boardâs approval of a strike authorization vote by the members of the orchestra, to take place on February 14, 2018 at 12:30 pm. It was moved and seconded to approve the strike authorization vote. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously. Gagliardi reported on the status of negotiations between Local 802 and New York Philharmonic. Discussion held.
Gagliardi reported on the status of negotiations between AFM and Employersâ Electronic Media Association for a successor Integrated Media Agreement covering symphonic, ballet and opera orchestras. Discussion held.
Gagliardi reported on the continuation of negotiations between Local 802 and New York City Ballet (NYCB). Discussion held. Gagliardi reported that NYCB Orchestra would no longer be accompanying the Ballet at Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. Discussion held. Gagliardi reported on upcoming Local 802 and AFM scheduled meetings. Discussion held.
Financial Vice President Olcott reported on the Emerging Artist Project and requested approval of a $150 honorarium for each of the jurors. It was moved and seconded to approve for payment the honoraria. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
Executive Board member Hyde excused at 12 p.m. Olcott presented a request from Bronx Arts Ensemble to utilize public service scales for a production of âCindy-rellaâ including a rehearsal on February 12, 2018 and performances on February 13 and 16, 2018. It was moved and seconded to approve the use of public service scales as submitted. Olcott reported on matters pertaining to Westchester Philharmonic. Discussion held.
Gagliardi presented an amendment to Article III, section 5 of the Local 802 Bylaws. Discussion held.
Recording Vice President Schwartz presented three requests from members for leaves of absence from Broadway shows. It was moved and seconded to approve the leaves of absence as submitted. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously.
Schwartz presented a letter of appreciation from St. John Rescue, Inc. for Local 802âs contribution to that organizationâs hurricane relief effort in St. John, V.I. Discussion held.
Principal Electronic Media Business Rep Sheldon present. Sheldon presented a revised Local 802 Limited Pressing Agreement. Discussion held. Sheldon excused.
Schwartz presented a proposal from Dale Pro Audio for an upgrade to the Local 802 Clubroom sound system. It was moved and seconded to approve the purchase of sound equipment in the amount of $5,039 plus tax as proposed. Discussion held. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 12:41 p.m.