
Long Island Regional Director Bob Gulluscio Retires

Volume CIV, No. 6June, 2004

Jim Hannen

After more than twelve years of dedicated service to the members of Local 802, Long Island Regional Director Bob Gulluscio is retiring on May 31.

His career with Local 802 began in 1992 as a business rep in the Long Island office, which was then located in Hempstead. A couple of office location changes and a few more gray hairs later, Bob has opted to end a long, rewarding career as a trade unionist and relocate to Virginia.

As chairman of the Transport Workers Union working for Pan Am at JFK airport, Bob became expert at grievance and arbitration handling, and negotiating contracts. He put this expertise to good use for the members of Local 802 — representing Steven Scott musicians and several smaller club date offices, negotiating and administering the Westbury Music Fair and Gateway Playhouse contracts, building and maintaining a close relationship with the Long Island labor movement and key politicians, and playing a key role in negotiating several club date contracts.

Senior business rep Peter Voccola has been promoted to principal business rep and will operate the Plainview office with the able assistance of Administrative Assistant Debbie Longo under the supervision of Contract Administration Supervisor Jim Hannen and Recording Vice President Bill Dennison. A business rep will be hired to assume many of Bob’s duties.

The officers, staff and members of Local 802 take this opportunity to say, “Thanks Bob, and enjoy a well-deserved rest!”

Allegro editor Mikael Elsila asked Bob a few questions on the eve of his May 31 retirement.

Mikael Elsila: How have you enjoyed working with musicians?

Bob Gulluscio: Very much so. It’s very rewarding working for musicians, especially obtaining contracts in areas where people thought contracts couldn’t be had. I really enjoyed the time I was here.

ME: Tell me what a typical weekend was like in Long Island working for 802.

BG: A typical weekend would be going out to meet with musicians and asking questions concerning any problems that they have with any of the leaders — or questions in reference to health benefits or pension, and making sure all the jobs were filed. Sometime the jobs were not filed and we had to contact the employer and ask why the job wasn’t filed. If not, we would come back on Monday morning and file a grievance.

ME: Any last words?

BG: Thanks to all the musicians I’ve been in contact with — and those that I didn’t get a chance to meet, I wish I did!