
Trial Board Report

January 31, 2002

Volume CII, No. 3March, 2002

The Trial Board of Local 802, AFM, convened on Jan. 31, 2002. Meeting called to order at 1 p.m. President Moriarity administered the oath of office to the new Trial Board members Goletz, Hood, Koch, Lambert, Ray, Roberts, Schwartz and Singer. Member Rojas absent. Selection of Trial Board Chair, Hood, and Trial Board Clerk, Schwartz.

Case # 922: Plaintiff Erwin Price appeared before the board to present charges against defendants, Local 802 members Regis Iandiorio, Richard Henrickson, Richard M. Maximoff (absent) and John M. Reid. Present for the plaintiff was Assistant Supervisor of National Contracts Jay Schaffner, who offered testimony as to the charges. Present as silent counsel for the defendants was attorney Janna Glasser.

The defendants were charged with violating Local 802 bylaws: Article IV, Section 1, paragraphs (g), (i), (k), (n), (o), (t); Article IX, Subdivision 1, Paragraph C; and Article 21, Section 1 of the AFM bylaws, relating to their performance of a recording session for nonsignatory record label Jive Records and recording artists ‘N Sync on March 9, 2001.

After the hearing of testimony, the plaintiff proposed that, if found guilty, the defendants be fined, but that such fines be held in abeyance pending compliance with the bylaws of Local 802 and the AFM as regards their employment in all future recording sessions.

The Trial Board found and concluded (by a vote of 8-0) that member Iandiorio, acting as contractor, had violated Article IV, Section 1, paragraph (g). Members Iandiorio, Henrickson, Reid and Maximoff were found to have violated Article IV, Section 1, paragraph (i) (by a vote of 7-1), Article IX, Subdivision 1, paragraph (c) (by a vote of 8-0); and Article 21, Section 1 (by a vote of 8-0). The Board found (by a vote of 8-0) that the charges with regard to Article IV, Section 1, paragraphs (k), (n), (o) and (t) were not applicable, and so dismissed.

Fines were set at $875 for member Iandiorio and $500 for members Henrickson, Reid and Maximoff. All fines to be held in abeyance, pending future compliance with the bylaws of Local 802 and the AFM.

Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.